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Century Club Mystery Reading Challenge

Welcome to Mystillery Manor
Here's to crime!
Welcome to the Century Club Mystery Reading Challenge at Mystillery Manor, the pièce de résistance of mystery reading challenges! This is an ongoing (not an annual) reading challenge. Your goal is to gain a place at the table of our refined, elegant Mystillery Century Club; where the conversation, like the champagne; is sparkling. You do this by reading ten - yes, only ten - mystery stories - selecting one from each of the ten previous decades (1920's, 1930's, and so on through the 2010's); and adding each one to your distinguished pedigree.

Upon your first submission, you join the grasping Social Climbers. Upon your tenth - and final - submission you become an entitled Centurion, and gain a seat at our table (Waiter! Another glass!). Read the General Information page then submit your decade to the Membership Secretary!

May we suggest you browse the pedigrees below, if you are looking for appropriate mysteries to enjoy. Just click the pedigree icon against each name.


MYSTILLERY CENTURY CLUB Centurions as of SUN MAY 26 2024 - in order of admission
Member # Centurion Social Register 1920's 1930's 1940's 1950's 1960's 1970's 1980's 1990's 2000's 2010's Pedigree
1 Bev Hankins
My Reader's Block All Covered Up
2 Rick Mills
3 Avid Series Reader
New Mexico
4 Jjean
5 Sanacrow
6 Batkat
West Virginia
7 Robin Retzler
8 Simone Clark
9 JenneB
Goodreads profile Instagram
10 Tina Hilbert
11 David Salley
New York
13 Melissa the Reading Nerd
New Jersey
! Blog
14 SueC
Blog Goodreads profile
15 updated Beth M Goodreads profile

Social Climbers:

MYSTILLERY CENTURY CLUB Social Climbers as of SUN MAY 26 2024 - sorted by most recent engagement
Social Climber Social Register Last activity Expiration* 1920's 1930's 1940's 1950's 1960's 1970's 1980's 1990's 2000's 2010's Pedigree
You could be here!                      

* Expiration date is extended by one year upon each submission.
Expired pedigrees will be reactivated upon request.
We have these expired pedigrees archived in the wine cellar:
DeanieRhonda D. Beth SturmScott NickelsTraci L

    The instructions and rules have moved to the General Information page.

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(various book icons) Decade completed
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A Mystillery challenge
hosted by Rick Mills
The Mystillery Reading Challenge Addict