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Micah study guide

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Preparation Prior to the study session, participants should read the entire book.
Orientation Micah is book #33 of 39 in the Old Testament, and the sixth book of the Minor Prophets. For more information see the Bible Overview page.
Synopsis Micah is a prophet who criticizes both the northern Jewish nation of Israel (often calling it by the name of its capital, Samaria) and the southern Jewish nation of Judah (often calling it by the name of its capital, Jerusalem). He criticizes both nations for their corrupt system of judges, politicians, and religious leaders. Leaders lie to the people, judges rule in favor of whoever bribes them the most, and priests tell fortunes for profit.

The book is prophecy written as poetry. It alternates between predictions of doom and hope of salvation: Doom (1:1 - 2:11), Salvation (2:12 -13), Doom (3:1 - 12), Salvation (4:1 - 5:15), Doom (6:1 - 7:7), Salvation (7:8 - end).

Discussion points Read Micah's prophecy of a ruler to come from Bethlehem (5: 2-5). What is the unintended (?) consequence when Herod's high priests refer to this in Matthew 2:1-12? Should Micah have been so specific?

Micah's most quoted verse is 6:8. (What does the Lord require of you, but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.). Compare this to Jesus' definition of the greatest commandment in Matthew 22: 34-40.

Prophecy writers often refer to Micah 7: 5-7 as a prophecy of families turning against believers in the end times, and is quoted by Jesus in Matthew 10:35.

Connections Micah prohesies the destruction of Jerusalem (3:12) which is quoted in Jeremiah 26:18.

Swords and spears: Compare Micah's prophecy about war and peace (4:3) with that of Isaiah 2:4 and Joel 3:10. Note a startling difference!

Micah lived at the same time and in the same regions as prophets Isaiah, Jonah, Hosea, and Amos - it is possible they knew each other.

For source citations see the home page. Revised April 9 2014

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