Mystillery Lab Report 3

Copy Medical Examiner data to your own spreadsheet

You can easily copy your Medical Examiner clipboard to a spreadsheet of your own, which you can then sort any way you like for a reading log.
  1. Open your Medical Examiner clipboard.
  2. Click the left-most cell of the top entry - this will be an author name.
  3. Hold the SHIFT key and click the right-most cell of the bottom line - the Toe Tag count. This should select the entire table.
  4. COPY the table to your computer's clipboard.
  5. Open your own spreadsheet, either your own file or a Google sheet works.
  6. Click the upper left cell.
  7. PASTE. This should paste the entire contents into individual cells.
  8. If the PASTE operation just squished everything into that one cell, use the alternate method below.
Alternate method
  1. Open your Medical Examiner clipboard.
  2. Count the rows/columns of data in the Medical Examiner clipboard.
  3. Click the left-most cell of the top entry - this will be an author name.
  4. Hold the SHIFT key and click the right-most cell of the bottom line - the Toe Tag count. This should select the entire table.
  5. COPY the table to your computer's clipboard.
  6. Open your own spreadsheet, either your own file or a Google sheet works.
  7. Click the upper left cell.
  8. Hold the SHIFT key and click the bottom right cell of the identical range, using your row/column count. This should select the entire empty range.
  9. PASTE. This should paste the entire contents into individual cells.

Rick MillsThe Mystillery • Last updated on Mar 4 2021.